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Allthough i firmly believe and agree with you Lindsay, that you should not believe everything you read (in this case about you), there are certain things that seem pretty clear with physical evidence to back it up. What I'm talking about is that you seem to like (or used to like -these things change) your Voss water.

And this is where im blowing my cover - yes, im from Norway, the little country with almost no inhabitants and too much snow - and Voss.
I do think its fun however to think about how you people spend on water that people from Voss use for making food, drinking from the
tap, showering.. Thats one expensive shower!
Fun fact: I used to work with trains (!!!) and the people working on the trains got Voss water for free, but not in the fancy bottles you buy, but in tiny little milk cart
ons. Also cute, but not as classy ;) I have tried my hardest to find a picture of one, but cant for the life of me seem to be able to :( They are no longer in production cause the company found out they want their water to be unreachable for anyone not from USA with money.

(no, im not from Voss by the way, but i have driven through hehe) They have a very nice dialect over there :)
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