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And in my search for Lindsay Lohan herself I figured i need to use what i have, and what is out there. Not long ago i downloaded a wonderful little app for my ipod called Distant Shore. Basically what it is is a game that allows you to send messages in bottles to random people out there. You can also walk along your own beach and find messages written by others. Completely random, you have no idea who will get your message, or who sent the message you just found in the sand. (You can then reply to these messages and start a conversation, the messages back and forth will then be delivered to your ingame mailbox)
I can recommend this app, its very cute :)
Aaaaaanyways, i asked myself: why not use this in my search for Lindsay? ;) And so I did.
My message was: Hello :) I am looking for Lindsay Lohan, have you seen her?
I must say i got alot of amusing answers. Some where not so nice, but nonetheless informative as to peoples opinion of Lindsay. Here is a selection:
Haha no good luck with that, she is pretty hard to find
Yeah, she was at my beach last night if you get my point ;)
I think she slipped down a manhole… or a crack in the pavement X
On the beach? Theres no rehab clinic here
Sorry, she doesn’t come to boston much
She is hiding behind that light pole over there
No.. where would she be
I think shes still on her own planet
So whos Lindsay, why you find her in ocean? (This one made me lol :D)
I did also get a reply from someone that claimed to have once sat at the table next to Lindsay at an L.A restaurant. See? I got pretty close just through an ipod app ;)
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