torsdag 26. februar 2009

onsdag 25. februar 2009
Inspiration from unexpected sources
1. Kentucky fried chicken
2. Life savers (dont even know what this is exactly, or how it tastes, but would like to find out)
3. Oreos (this is slowly entering our land, but can only be bought at special stores and costs like $$$ + $)
4. Cherry coke and every other flavor
5. Food and candy of all sorts really....
6. I cant believe i cant think of more things atm, cause i know there is sooo much more ;)
And when something new finally does hit the stores, you know what happens?? The boring, over the top traditional norwegians dont but it! So it goes right back out! Oh noes!

MMMMMM! Popcorn chicken....
tirsdag 24. februar 2009
Distant shore

Haha no good luck with that, she is pretty hard to find
Yeah, she was at my beach last night if you get my point ;)
I think she slipped down a manhole… or a crack in the pavement X
On the beach? Theres no rehab clinic here
Sorry, she doesn’t come to boston much
She is hiding behind that light pole over there
No.. where would she be
I think shes still on her own planet
So whos Lindsay, why you find her in ocean? (This one made me lol :D)
I did also get a reply from someone that claimed to have once sat at the table next to Lindsay at an L.A restaurant. See? I got pretty close just through an ipod app ;)
mandag 23. februar 2009

1. 1.make yourself a new hotmail account for this purpose.
2. 2. Add me
3. 3 .Write the address of your special for this hotmail on your Myspace blog and I will know that THAT address is the one :D
4. 4. This way you won’t have the trouble of people finding out your real msn address which I assume you are trying to keep for yourself J
torsdag 19. februar 2009
Mutual friend?!

onsdag 18. februar 2009

My letter to Lindsay Lohan
Well, I decided I'm gonna have a little "social experiment"... I'm gonna test just how far the internet will get me - I'm gonna use this blog as my own personal letter to a hollywood celeb, and hopefully through a series of weird coincidences get in touch with this person. My person of choice is (yes, you guessed it clever reader) Lindsay Lohan.
Reasons for my choice:
a) 1. She's the right age AND as I understand an active user of the internet (Myspace blog etc.) so the chances she will find this is at least a bit higher... This is hard enough already without me choosing someone that doesn’t even know what the world wide web is :P
b) 2. She’s got a kind look in her eyes, so I’m guessing she’s nice, and I would like to see if I’m right J
This is how this will work:
Ok, so I am aware that this might not work at all… It might go so bad that no one will ever read my blog, but that’s part of the experiment J I want to see if a person living in a tiny little country in Europe can possibly stir up enough through a simple blog to get somewhere. Hopefully Lindsay, you find this intriguing, and would like to say hello to me at some point!
2. 2. I will address Lindsay directly as in a letter form, but I will also have to address my potential blog audience. Blog readers may ask me questions about me or whatever, and I will try to answer. Lindsay: you can of course ask me anything too!
If I think of more rules I will add them later. Feel free to suggest.
So Lindsay, if you ever read this and wish to say hello, please add me on msn:
I will check that msn account at least once a day. And for me to know you are the correct Lindsay I suggest the following:
1. 1. You make yourself a new hotmail account for this purpose.
2. 2. Add me
3. 3 .Write the address of your special for this hotmail on your Myspace blog and I will know that THAT address is the one :D
4. 4. This way you won’t have the trouble of people finding out your real msn address which I assume you are trying to keep for yourself J
If you have another suggestion on how to do this let me know :D
Through this blog you will slowly get to know about me and understand my being if you can call it that. As I’ve already mentioned I live in a tiny country in Europe, so you already know a little something J Later on I might post a video on youtube or something, gotta use different channels to get somewhere!
Writing this I’m realizing that this idea is crazy and will never work, but I’m gonna have to try. Hehehe J And yes, I know I might seem weird right now, but that’s just gonna have to stand the test or whatever it is you say.
So Lindsay, this is my letter to you! Feel free to reply :) Looking forward to see where this might take me ;)