onsdag 25. mars 2009


Seems i have abandoned my blog :O but it only seems that way. I'll be back!

lørdag 14. mars 2009

What now?!

Hey Lindsay ;) 

Wanted for arrest? Trouble in paradise? hehe, guessing its no biggie, but good luck all the same ;)

New to this blog? Read this and this :)

onsdag 11. mars 2009

London here i come!

Got tickets to Michael Jackson!! I am so, so happy :D

fredag 6. mars 2009

medium and :)

Now im gonna jump into bed to watch an episode of "medium" with my girlfriend :) its "our" show, and i plan on having the bestest time :) g'nite lindsay and readers!

tirsdag 3. mars 2009

What to say?

Want to know what this blog is really all about deep down under? Read this and this plix!


I mean... No, I have no words really..:

http://news.cnet.com/8301-11386_3-10186121-76.html Ok, now THATS geeky! I'm somewhat of a nerd myself (will return to that subject in a later entry), but this is just hilarious :P

And i think to myself... what a wonderful, no wait, weird world!

There are some good news in the midst of it all though: 

OH yeah!!!

mandag 2. mars 2009

iblog with ipod :)

Just lying in bed testing a blogging app i just bought :) seems to be working perfectly, so yay, im superblog-o-mobile now!  <-- an ipod smiley, wonder if that will work, probably not.. Well, its almost midnight here and i have work tomorrow, so good night readers and Lindsay :)

Am I interesting enough for Lindsay Lohan?

New to this blog? Or are you perhaps Lindsay Lohan? Read this first :)

Well, i just made some chicken and noodles. I have been told I'm a decent cook, but then again, when your life (like yours Lindsay) consists of eating at L.A's finest, I'm guessing my cooking might not be all that after all :P Anyways, I'm not hungry anymore and thats good :D

Well, onto something else. As you should know of you did read this, is that this blog is a "letter to lindsay lohan" in disguise. It's a normal blog i guess, but with an underlying reason that forms some of the subjects. Ive wondered how far the internet can take you, and decided to test it in a wild experiment where i through a simple blog tries to get in touch with Lindsay Lohan herself.

So far im not exactly wildly successfull, so if anyone out there is reading this, feel very free to follow my blog, comment etc. I'd love to get to know random people out there as well :D I do however have two followers, so heres a shout out to you! Thanks folks :)

Well, I'm not giving up, these things take time i guess (not that im doing alot to promote it, I should probably do more)

My point anyway is this: Even though i did get followers, even though Lindsay herself did see this blog the biggest obstacle is still there: Why would she want to contact ME of all people? I'm just a random soneome from the other side of the earth. In my Lindsay research i have also seen that there are thousands and thousands of groupies out there. On the simplest blog entry she gets over 700 comments. (Do you ever read your comments by the way Lindsay?) 

But Lindsay, you manage to do something no other celebrity does - you intrigue me, and fascinate me. Sooooo many things are written about you, and that just makes me wonder what the real truth is. Your groupies say they love you, tell you you are wonderful. I cant tell you that, i cant lick your ass like that, cause i dont know you. Might be youre a total bitch, maybe you are a sweetheart - maybe both? I am curious.

I honestly dont think this will work, but im having fun :D If you ever read this Lindsay, and if you get curious back then let me know ;) Ooooh by the way, for my advantage i would like to present the following evidence (from 1:30)

If any guy (yeah i know that was then, girls werent really in the picture yet) can take you out to dinner, then surely i can try this :)

PS: I love mcdonals too, but im a bit sick of it. And yeah, you should run over a photographers foot, allthough maybe not, cause you'd get sued. (Thats not normal in norway, so over here you could maybe run over someones foot, i dont know)

PS 2: (haha, playstation2) i know i havent revealed much about myself yet, but it will come. All in good time :)

søndag 1. mars 2009

GOd damnIT!!

Fu***ng h**l! As i sat down to write this one my grilled cheese sandwich tipped over in the oven making a mess destroying one of my sandwiches :( So now im in a foul mood all of a sudden!

What I was originally gonna say was that i need to become better at writing here over the weekends. Weekends however alwways feels so busy, especially now that ive started working. (i was a student up until a few months ago). Feels like i have no time at all...Student life FTW <3

Well, write more later.. gotta go scrape the oven.... blah..

torsdag 26. februar 2009


Continuing on the research path from yesterday I feel i need to comment on another find. I read an article about a recent episode in Lindsay Lohans life when she was returning to L.A from Tampa. Now i have no idea if any of this is true or not, but what supposedly happened was that Lindsay threw a tantrum when she didnt get first class tickets to her flight. She is quoted: "You'd better come back and visit me back there in case I die." The article also claims that people were laughing at this. 

Now, this is where i wish to voice my support. You may not be totally wrong there Lindsay. I mean.. dying might be a little exaggeration, but extreme discomfort at least is a correct term. I am a girl (yay, a new piece of info about me!), and i am pretty tall (w00t, two infoes for the price of one!). And i agree Lindsay, flying "normally" is hell. Now, you may not remember quite what its like (you have had money enough for 1.st class for quite some time i assume) so im gonna paint you a picture. Literally! I have tried to make a drawing:

Not only do they cram the seats to tightly together that your knees gets stuffed into the seat in front of you, they have managed to put in a metal bar EXACTLY where your knees are. Any flight longer than 30 seconds (...) is therefore a pain in the.. legs and knees! Now, this won't kill you, but may bruise you up pretty good...! 

So yeah, I hear you Lindsay!

onsdag 25. februar 2009

Inspiration from unexpected sources

Well, obviously since this blogs underlying inspiration is Lindsay Lohan I need to do my research so that im updated ;) This I-cant-sleep-lets-do-some-blog-on-Lindsay-Lohan-research had unexpected results: Inspiration. I stumbled upon a paparazzi video on youtube showing Lindsay (or should i say "you" this is after all a letter) shopping at a store in, i think its L.A called Kid Robot. I did some googling and found out that MAN this is a shop i would love to visit! Buuuut I live in Norway and we have nothing, zero, zip cool stuff, so thats gonna have to wait. I will however keep Kid Robot in mind if i ever go to L.A :D So thanks Lindsay, nice tip!

And while I'm on it I would like to present a list of things Norway should get ASAP sulu!

1. Kentucky fried chicken
2. Life savers (dont even know what this is exactly, or how it tastes, but would like to find out)
3. Oreos (this is slowly entering our land, but can only be bought at special stores and costs like $$$ + $)
4. Cherry coke and every other flavor
5. Food and candy of all sorts really....
6. I cant believe i cant think of more things atm, cause i know there is sooo much more ;)

And when something new finally does hit the stores, you know what happens?? The boring, over the top traditional norwegians dont but it! So it goes right back out! Oh noes!

MMMMMM! Popcorn chicken....

tirsdag 24. februar 2009

Distant shore

Not understanding anything? read this.

I am in love with my ipod, thats no secret. Anyone that knows me could comfirm that. I think its a wonderful little thing :D

And in my search for Lindsay Lohan herself I figured i need to use what i have, and what is out there. Not long ago i downloaded a wonderful little app for my ipod called Distant Shore. Basically what it is is a game that allows you to send messages in bottles to random people out there. You can also walk along your own beach and find messages written by others. Completely random, you have no idea who will get your message, or who sent the message you just found in the sand. (You can then reply to these messages and start a conversation, the messages back and forth will then be delivered to your ingame mailbox) 

I can recommend this app, its very cute :)

Aaaaaanyways, i asked myself: why not use this in my search for Lindsay? ;) And so I did.

My message was: Hello :) I am looking for Lindsay Lohan, have you seen her?

I must say i got alot of amusing answers. Some where not so nice, but nonetheless informative as to peoples opinion of Lindsay. Here is a selection:

Haha no good luck with that, she is pretty hard to find

Yeah, she was at my beach last night if you get my point ;)

I think she slipped down a manhole… or a crack in the pavement X

On the beach? Theres no rehab clinic here

Sorry, she doesn’t come to boston much

She is hiding behind that light pole over there

No.. where would she be

I think shes still on her own planet

So whos Lindsay, why you find her in ocean? (This one made me lol :D)

I did also get a reply from someone that claimed to have once sat at the table next to Lindsay at an L.A restaurant. See? I got pretty close just through an ipod app ;)

mandag 23. februar 2009


This is blog is one long letter to Lindsay Lohan, read why, how and etc here.

Hey again Lindsay :)

Havent written in a couple of days  -been a busy weekend :) I just got back in from once again digging myself a parking spot. Its been crazy amounts of snow here lately, cant remember it ever being like this, but then again thats what we always say.. Anyways, im getting kinda sick of it.. PS: car in the picture = not my car

Haha, but i did see a car so covered in snow that someone had made it into a snow pig. I didnt even know it was a car the first couple of days, but then i drove by it and someone had poked a whole in it revealing part of the window. At times like this i wish i had a camera in my cell phone, but i dont, cause i bought a cheap crap phone. (it is very tiny though, which is mostly why i bought it) I suspect the snow pig car will be gone by the time i get my ass down there with a camera... :(

Well, well. i have to go watch some TV :D "Talk" to you later ;) And Lindsay, don't forget to add my msn:

1.         1.make yourself a new hotmail account for this purpose.

2.      2. Add me

3.      3 .Write the address of your special for this hotmail on your Myspace blog and I will know that THAT address is the one :D

4.      4. This way you won’t have the trouble of people finding out your real msn address which I assume you are trying to keep for yourself J

torsdag 19. februar 2009

Mutual friend?!

New to this blog? This blog is a letter to Lindsay Lohan, read more about it here.

Hey again there Lindsay and anyone that might be reading :)

Well, it seems we might have a mutual friend :O I heard a rumor that this guy supposedly knows you and have you on his msn, but i can't just up and ask him, cause I don't know if it's supposed to be a secret. Actually i don't even know if i believe it or if he just said it to impress - im guessing the last part there.

It would be weird though! I would only be one link away and my project could be finished in a heartbeat! But that would be cheating, so im adding that as my ground rule nr 3. That just wouldnt feel right!

I'll give you some facts:

He's from England
He claims you are the one talking to him
He makes music

Sound familiar?

Well, that's all from me today.

Peace out :D

onsdag 18. februar 2009


New to this blog? Read the explanation behind this craziness here.

Ok Linds, I'm  about to blow my tiny european country cover. 

Allthough i firmly believe and agree with you Lindsay, that you should not believe everything you read (in this case about you), there are certain things that seem pretty clear with physical evidence to back it up. What I'm talking about is that you seem to like (or used to like -these things change)  your Voss water. 

And this is where im blowing my cover - yes, im from Norway, the little country with almost no inhabitants and too much snow - and Voss.

I do think its fun however to think about how you people spend on water that people from Voss use for making food, drinking from the 
tap, showering.. Thats one expensive shower!

Fun fact: I used to work with trains (!!!) and the people working on the trains got Voss water for free, but not in the fancy bottles you buy, but in tiny little milk cartLegg til bildeons. Also cute, but not as classy ;) I have tried my hardest to find a picture of one, but cant for the life of me seem to be able to :( They are no longer in production cause the company found out they want their water to be unreachable for anyone not from USA with money.

(no, im not from Voss by the way, but i have driven through hehe) They have a very nice dialect over there :)

My letter to Lindsay Lohan

Well, I decided I'm gonna have a little "social experiment"... I'm gonna test just how far the internet will get me - I'm gonna use this blog as my own personal letter to a hollywood celeb, and hopefully through a series of weird coincidences get in touch with this person. My person of choice is (yes, you guessed it clever reader) Lindsay Lohan.  


Reasons for my choice:


a)     1. She's the right age AND as I understand an active user of the internet (Myspace blog etc.) so the chances she will find this is at least a bit higher... This is hard enough already without me choosing someone that doesn’t even know what the world wide web is :P

b)     2. She’s got a kind look in her eyes, so I’m guessing she’s nice, and I would like to see if I’m right J

This is how this will work:

Ok, so I am aware that this might not work at all… It might go so bad that no one will ever read my blog, but that’s part of the experiment J I want to see if a person living in a tiny little country in Europe can possibly stir up enough through a simple blog to get somewhere. Hopefully Lindsay, you find this intriguing, and would like to say hello to me at some point!

 I need to get some ground rules:

1. I am not allowed to take the simple stalker-way. (Like spamming her comment field/inbox at myspace) This should go the right way- the hard way. Should I however get followers to this letter blog, they may take action of the sort. Gotta get some help from out there – that’s the whole point

2.     2.  I will address Lindsay directly as in a letter form, but I will also have to address my potential blog audience. Blog readers may ask me questions about me or whatever, and I will try to answer. Lindsay: you can of course ask me anything too!

If I think of more rules I will add them later. Feel free to suggest.

So Lindsay, if you ever read this and wish to say hello, please add me on msn:


I will check that msn account at least once a day. And for me to know you are the correct Lindsay I suggest the following:

1.      1.  You make yourself a new hotmail account for this purpose.

2.      2. Add me

3.      3 .Write the address of your special for this hotmail on your Myspace blog and I will know that THAT address is the one :D

4.      4. This way you won’t have the trouble of people finding out your real msn address which I assume you are trying to keep for yourself J

If you have another suggestion on how to do this let me know :D

Through this blog you will slowly get to know about me and understand my being if you can call it that. As I’ve already mentioned I live in a tiny country in Europe, so you already know a little something J  Later on I might post a video on youtube or something, gotta use different channels to get somewhere!

Writing this I’m realizing that this idea is crazy and will never work, but I’m gonna have to try. Hehehe J And yes, I know I might seem weird right now, but that’s just gonna have to stand the test or whatever it is you say.

So Lindsay, this is my letter to you! Feel free to reply :) Looking forward to see where this might take me ;)