Seems i have abandoned my blog :O but it only seems that way. I'll be back!
onsdag 25. mars 2009
lørdag 14. mars 2009
What now?!
Hey Lindsay ;)
Wanted for arrest? Trouble in paradise? hehe, guessing its no biggie, but good luck all the same ;)
onsdag 11. mars 2009
fredag 6. mars 2009
medium and :)
Now im gonna jump into bed to watch an episode of "medium" with my girlfriend :) its "our" show, and i plan on having the bestest time :) g'nite lindsay and readers!
[Posted with iBlogger from my iPod touch]
tirsdag 3. mars 2009
What to say?
Want to know what this blog is really all about deep down under? Read this and this plix!

I mean... No, I have no words really..: What a shame.. or not? Ok, now THATS geeky! I'm somewhat of a nerd myself (will return to that subject in a later entry), but this is just hilarious :P
And i think to myself... what a wonderful, no wait, weird world!
There are some good news in the midst of it all though:
OH yeah!!!

mandag 2. mars 2009
iblog with ipod :)
Just lying in bed testing a blogging app i just bought :) seems to be working perfectly, so yay, im superblog-o-mobile now! <-- an ipod smiley, wonder if that will work, probably not.. Well, its almost midnight here and i have work tomorrow, so good night readers and Lindsay :)
[Posted with iBlogger from my iPod touch]
Am I interesting enough for Lindsay Lohan?
New to this blog? Or are you perhaps Lindsay Lohan? Read this first :)
Well, onto something else. As you should know of you did read this, is that this blog is a "letter to lindsay lohan" in disguise. It's a normal blog i guess, but with an underlying reason that forms some of the subjects. Ive wondered how far the internet can take you, and decided to test it in a wild experiment where i through a simple blog tries to get in touch with Lindsay Lohan herself.
So far im not exactly wildly successfull, so if anyone out there is reading this, feel very free to follow my blog, comment etc. I'd love to get to know random people out there as well :D I do however have two followers, so heres a shout out to you! Thanks folks :)
Well, I'm not giving up, these things take time i guess (not that im doing alot to promote it, I should probably do more)
My point anyway is this: Even though i did get followers, even though Lindsay herself did see this blog the biggest obstacle is still there: Why would she want to contact ME of all people? I'm just a random soneome from the other side of the earth. In my Lindsay research i have also seen that there are thousands and thousands of groupies out there. On the simplest blog entry she gets over 700 comments. (Do you ever read your comments by the way Lindsay?)
But Lindsay, you manage to do something no other celebrity does - you intrigue me, and fascinate me. Sooooo many things are written about you, and that just makes me wonder what the real truth is. Your groupies say they love you, tell you you are wonderful. I cant tell you that, i cant lick your ass like that, cause i dont know you. Might be youre a total bitch, maybe you are a sweetheart - maybe both? I am curious.
I honestly dont think this will work, but im having fun :D If you ever read this Lindsay, and if you get curious back then let me know ;) Ooooh by the way, for my advantage i would like to present the following evidence (from 1:30)
If any guy (yeah i know that was then, girls werent really in the picture yet) can take you out to dinner, then surely i can try this :)
PS: I love mcdonals too, but im a bit sick of it. And yeah, you should run over a photographers foot, allthough maybe not, cause you'd get sued. (Thats not normal in norway, so over here you could maybe run over someones foot, i dont know)
PS 2: (haha, playstation2) i know i havent revealed much about myself yet, but it will come. All in good time :)
søndag 1. mars 2009
GOd damnIT!!

Fu***ng h**l! As i sat down to write this one my grilled cheese sandwich tipped over in the oven making a mess destroying one of my sandwiches :( So now im in a foul mood all of a sudden!
What I was originally gonna say was that i need to become better at writing here over the weekends. Weekends however alwways feels so busy, especially now that ive started working. (i was a student up until a few months ago). Feels like i have no time at all...Student life FTW <3
Well, write more later.. gotta go scrape the oven.... blah..
bad luck,
Lindsay Lohan,
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